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On Super Mario Bros. 2, what character(s) did you play as the most?

When super mario bros 2 first came out, my friends and I often favored playing as Peach due to her floating ability, which made tricky jumps easier to navigate. However, as I began playing the game more on my own, my preferences shifted towards Mario and Luigi. Now, as an adult, I tend to prefer Luigi for several reasons.

Firstly, Luigi's high jumps allow him to access the same skip routes that Peach and Toad can access by running and jumping at the very edge. This negates the need for Peach's floating ability in most situations.

Additionally, mastering the timing of the coin slot game at the end of each level can greatly increase the number of lives obtained. This diminishes the need for Toad's speed, as Luigi's high jump provides similar results without requiring him to hold a heavy item.