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Can your app do this?

Hi! We're checking applications that can accommodate our assessment following these requirements:

The assessment has about 50 questions. 

  1. The assessment starts with the individual describing a problem they were involved in solving. 

  2. The second question asks them to give the question a short name — this name will need to be pipped into the question prompted for the statement rating questions that follow. 

  3. There are approximately 40 statements that participants will need to rate on a scale of 1 to 6 (this can be set up as a statement with a slider or matrix style) but I like to group no more than 7 statement together if using matrix 

  4. The assessment measures across 6 attributes, but the statements need to be presented so that they are not grouped together…meaning in one grouping you might have statements from multiple different attributes being measured. 

  5. The formula for calculation is sum of the responses for that group divided by the number of statements in the attribute grouping, minus a negative response statement (each grouping has 1 statement that is negatively worded) 

  6. Then there are three questions where participants have to choose 1 word out of a grouping of words. Each word is tied to one of the six attributes and 1 point gets added to the attribute score if a word related to that attribute is selected. And this will product the final score 

  7. The score for each attribute is on a scale of 1 to 6. If the score is between 1 - 2.99 = this is called Untapped Capabilities; 3 - 4.99 is called Emerging Capabilities, and 5 - 6 is Realized Capabilities. This is the level of reporting that people can get for free. 

  8. The detail report (which I have provided some examples of) have if/then text so that the report is customized based on how the participant responds.