Woo-Seok Koh fails to hold a 1-run lead, gives up 3 runs in ⅔ inning
San Diego Padres pitcher Woo-seok Ko has had another meltdown.
Using SendSafely within Outgrow
I'm trying to embed a SendSafely widget within an Outgrow form. I'm currently trying to use a custom HTML widget, but I cannot get it load at all. SendSafely requires source to their script, but I'm not sure if Outgrow allows for that. Plus, it appears that the SendSafely embed script utilizes jQuery to properly map some variables and I'm not sure if that's possible either. Overall, just need to know if it's possible to embed something like that within in Outgrow or if I'm just spinning my wheels.
Calculator: two questions on the same screen?
In a calculator, is there a way to have two questions (with 2 answers that get calculated together) on the same screen?
Rename my "company"
How do I rename my "company" so the outgrow URL populates with the correct name instead of the one I began with?
ideas for images
I like the idea of placing an image above every potential answer. My graded quiz is about ranking your knowledge of cats. It looks as though I am going to need 35-40 cat images to setup this quiz. Do you have any suggestions for accessing that many images which I would be free to use for the quiz?
Calculator Quiz
Is there a way to use the .mp4 version of a video instead of using the YouTube URL?
Single-use calculator
Survey won't close
Odd question but I tested some pop up surveys on my website and they won’t “close” when the “submit” button is pressed on the lead gen form. It just stays on the screen making for an awkward consumer experience. The only way to close it is “x”ing it out so you don’t know if the info has been captured.
Calculator integration