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Forcing outcomes

Is there a way of making the answer to one question override any others (e.g. age being a limiting factor. A 13 year old can only get outcomes a,b,c; a 16 year old can only get outcomes x,y,z etc.)?

can I integrate different ActiveCampaign Accounts to different Quizzes?

can I integrate different ActiveCampaign Accounts to different Quizzes?

How each question advances - some automatic and some manual

Some of the pages on my quiz advance automatically and for some, you have to hit next. This makes for a very choppy experience. How can I make it consistent?

Single-use calculator

Hi, I have a very specific need for a single calculator for my tiny blog. Do you have a custom pricing for a case like that without a monthly/annually plan?

Opt in to call back for outcome CTA link

Hi, I have an outcome quiz that currently has the lead gen form shown with the results. I want to change this so that the lead gen form is displayed after the questions, but I want to get the leads submitted only when the user clicks the CTA button (redurecting to URL) What would be the best way of going about this?


Hello, How can I change my quiz's currency from USD to Pounds?

Various levels of answers applying to more than one outcome

I am making a personality quiz and would like to have one outcome that is like the catch all for anyone who doesn't really fit into any of the other outcomes fully. Like a jack of all trades. I've tried just applying this outcome to every answer—plus a specific, more targeted outcome—but the quiz returns the "jack of all trades" outcome as the only answer. My question is... Is there a way to set one outcome as a higher priority and then another outcome as secondary? Playbuzz offers this option if you want to see what I mean. It's a free quiz-building platform (no lead generation). Anyway, this would be really useful to me so, if someone could tell me how to do it—if it is possible—that would be awesome! And if it's not, I hope it can be added in an update int he future.

Embed Code

hey guys, we have one quiz ready to install on a number of websites and need an embed code You talk about a developer studio (hope i have the name right) where I can get an i-frame embed code but I don't know where the developer studio can be found. your help file says: "## 5. Work with embed code copied from Outgrow Remember the code we copied from Outgrow to Get the Code for Iframe or Pop Up ]' But.. where3 can i find that embed code that I am supposed to remember?

Can users save their calculator results?

I would like our CTA to be save and share their results! How can we do that? Looks the social share buttons right now just encourage others to share the calculator. Let me know!

Calculator Build Crashes Upon Editing Formula

The application was working great, but now every time I try to edit a formula in the calculator builder, it crashes. Over and over again. Have restarted my computer, have restarted the browser, it still freezes up completely when I edit a formula.