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All results showing despite conditions logic

Hi, Hope you are doing great! I am actually facing an issue, I have set the result conditions logic so that under certain condition a certain text is shown, but in my case it shows both results even if only one of the conditions is true, could you kindly help me out! Regards, Anand Iyer

Change size of space

Hello, We are wondering whether we can change the space in the form The Greek. For example where someone puts his age. Can we change that to a smaller size? FYI. The URL for the example is:

Dashboard Controls

Hi, What is this button? Refresh or undo? Is there an undo function? Save function? Or is it all done by autosave? Once we go live can the searchengines find the quiz? Anyway to make them noindex? Any plans to beef up the text editors? Using white text is a bit of a pain. ;) Need the ability to highlight text with a (temporary) dark/contrasting background. Thanks

Custom question identifiers

Hi there, We are looking at how to use web hooks on outgrow to report answers back to our backend system. Setting up the web hook and receiving the data is working fine. Is there a way to set a custom identifier on a question? Eg, a field in which we can set a custom string for each question? We would like to use this identifier so that our backend system can process the web hook json and know how to match an answer in outgrow to an attribute in our database. At the moment the only way we can see to do this is through the array index of the json, however if the questions were to change order then that would affect how our system would process the web hook. Thanks, Jack

Custom Answer For Text Input Question Validation

Hi, Is it possible to add a custom validation value to correctly assess whether or not someone entered the correct answer on a text input question type? I see we have these 4 options to validate this question type (Alphanumeric, Numeric, email address, Places). I want users to do a math problem and then enter in the correct answer but I'm not seeing a way to tell outgrow what the correct answer is.

Using SendSafely within Outgrow

I'm trying to embed a SendSafely widget within an Outgrow form. I'm currently trying to use a custom HTML widget, but I cannot get it load at all. SendSafely requires source to their script, but I'm not sure if Outgrow allows for that. Plus, it appears that the SendSafely embed script utilizes jQuery to properly map some variables and I'm not sure if that's possible either. Overall, just need to know if it's possible to embed something like that within in Outgrow or if I'm just spinning my wheels.

Landing Page

I removed the name from the welcome landing page, leaving just the email. However, when I embed the code, the original version - with the name still shows.

Calculator: two questions on the same screen?

In a calculator, is there a way to have two questions (with 2 answers that get calculated together) on the same screen?

Rename my "company"

How do I rename my "company" so the outgrow URL populates with the correct name instead of the one I began with? example: https://[COMPANYNAME]

Ability for customer to upload a file

My chat has not been working. Was it deactivated? I am trying to allow the customer to upload a file (Word document). Is that supported?