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Survey won't close

Odd question but I tested some pop up surveys on my website and they won’t “close” when the “submit” button is pressed on the lead gen form. It just stays on the screen making for an awkward consumer experience. The only way to close it is “x”ing it out so you don’t know if the info has been captured. And before you ask, I’ve tested it with redirects but that takes them away from the page they’re on. Please help!! Thanks

Logic jump not working

I have a question where I ask the participants os the quiz is they want to participate on the user research. If yes, they continue for further questions and the lead form. If no, they'll jump to the defat outcome. But for some reason when you hit "no" the user don't go anywhere. The quiz just stops working, You hit "next" and you don't go the default outcome or anywhere else. This doesn't happen when you hit "yes".

how much is the program on a monthly basis

i dont see anything on the site. maybe i am not seeing it so your help would be appreciated

I need to change the name and address on the billing information

Hi, How can I change the name of my company (the correct one is Phenix) and address on the billing information please ? Currently it is not correct it's a problem for our accountant. Thank you

How do I disable the Next button on the lead generation page?

I want them to fill out the form before they can proceed.

Added a sample outcme, but wrote a number that I want to remove. How to Edit or remove sample #2?

Hi, Added a sample outcme, but wrote a number that I want to remove. How to Edit or remove sample #2? Screenshot or video, please. Best, Peder

Link in an email notification

Hi, I tried both adding a link with the "Insert Link" button and with "" tag pair but for both options I receive the notification email without a link. Is it a bug or is there another way to fix it? Thanks!

How to remove the scroll bar slider after embed on Webpage?

Hi, I want to remove the scroll bar slider after embed the code on my webpage. How to do it?

Question to Result Transition

In my simple, one question calculator, how can I get rid of the "Scroll down for results" graphic? It's creating white space between the question and results that isn't necessary.

Quiz outcome lead opt-in

I have an Outgrow quiz that is integrated with Mailchimp. During testing, the leads are receiving opt-in mails from Outgrow and they do not receive the email from Mailchimp unless they click the opt-in button form the Outgrow email. Are there any other ways for the leads to opt-in? This seems like too much friction. Please direct me to the proper documentation to change the opt-in method.