Quiz outcome lead opt-in
I have an Outgrow quiz that is integrated with Mailchimp. During testing, the leads are receiving opt-in mails from Outgrow and they do not receive the email from Mailchimp unless they click the opt-in button form the Outgrow email.
Likert scale for Qutcome quiz for personality assessment?
Hi I would like to create a likert scale for personality assessment test.
Added a sample outcme, but wrote a number that I want to remove. How to Edit or remove sample #2?
May I link an assessment to social media without a website?
I wish to use Outgrow to link an assessment or quiz directly to social media, without the use of a website. I'm hoping that because Outgrow is the host of the assessment, that this will be possible.
Do you have freelancers or referrals of content creators who can make a quiz for you at a cost?
How do I Unsubscirbe from emails
I have repeatedly "unsubscribed" from emails, sent direct emails to support and spoken with agents on the live chat, who have assured me emails would stop, but still I am unable to stop receiving emails from Outgrow.
Google Analytics 4 (or GA4)
Hi there,
Embedded scroll issues
As a user procresses through a page with embedded outgrow code, it does not go back to the top. This greatly hinders the user experience. Is there a way to get embedded pages to scroll to the top when progressing as they do using the outgrow URL?
Checkbox Questions Formula
How do I extract all the values of multiple checked checkboxes. For example if they check 1 then X, if the check 2 then Y, if they check 3 then Z.
If/Then Formula
What is the formula for results so they can be conditional (based on client answers)?