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is there a wordpress integration?

Hello, i was browsing this website and i found that this service could be what we were looking for a project. What i didn't find is an integration for wordpress or a manual integration on a website that wasn't one of the integrations described in the documentation. is there a way to embed a survey on a wordpress website? thank you

Likert scale for Qutcome quiz for personality assessment?

Hi I would like to create a likert scale for personality assessment test. I want a single question to have 5 options ranging from never true to very true. Each question is linked to one outcome type and the options give a score from 0 to 4. I want the total score for each type to be compared at the end to give a result of that particular type.

May I link an assessment to social media without a website?

I wish to use Outgrow to link an assessment or quiz directly to social media, without the use of a website. I'm hoping that because Outgrow is the host of the assessment, that this will be possible. May I post a quiz directly to my Instagram or Facebook page?

How do I Unsubscirbe from emails

I have repeatedly "unsubscribed" from emails, sent direct emails to support and spoken with agents on the live chat, who have assured me emails would stop, but still I am unable to stop receiving emails from Outgrow.


Do you have freelancers or referrals of content creators who can make a quiz for you at a cost?

Checkbox Questions Formula

How do I extract all the values of multiple checked checkboxes. For example if they check 1 then X, if the check 2 then Y, if they check 3 then Z.

Google Analytics 4 (or GA4)

Hi there, I've spent weeks trying to set up event tracking for a quiz with GTM to send events to GA4. The events fire perfectly in GTM but nothing is ever sent to GA4, including in real time. I work as a GA4/GTM professional so I know how to set everything up properly. The only conclusion that I can come up with is that Outgrow doesn't support GA4 and your system is still stuck in the old Universal GA. Please confirm if this is true. If so when are you going to start supporting GA4? I'm sure I'm not the only user who wants to track quiz events with GA4. And if it's not true... would it be possible to please help me set up the tracking so it works in GA4? I'd really appreciate getting to the bottom of the issue.

Embedded scroll issues

As a user procresses through a page with embedded outgrow code, it does not go back to the top. This greatly hinders the user experience. Is there a way to get embedded pages to scroll to the top when progressing as they do using the outgrow URL?

How to use a different email address to get the monthly receipts?

I prefer to access my billing details from a certain email address. Is it possible to set it to an email that does not have access to the account?

If/Then Formula

What is the formula for results so they can be conditional (based on client answers)?