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How to receive a report to my email after taking an assesment?



Why isn't there a button to delete account (and all its data)?

Do y'all have a formal feature update requst queue?

Looking to make a formal request to update your NPS graphic to include 11 spaces to capture a true NPS score of 0-10 (11 boxes instead of the current 10). I have worked with other tools before that offer the request feature and was curious if yall had a formal recommendation section set up that I missed. Thanks, Allison

Documentations in PDF

How to add Documentations in PDF

How to compare result values and display an extended description for the highest score category

Dear team, I have implemented a quiz with 35 questions that each have a single choice answer from 1 to 5. I calculated 7 results using the provided formula feature by summing up the score of the questions in each category (e.g. category 1 has questions 1 to 5, category 2 has questions 6 to 10 etc). On the results page I have configured 7 results, one for each category. All good up to here. I would like to conditionally display a more comprehensive description for the category result which has the highest score compared to the other category results. For the rest of lower score the categories I would like to have only a basic description in the results, but I need to show the result score. I would highly appreciate your advice on how to achieve the behavior above? So far I was only able to place conditions based what range does each result fall into. I have noticed you support external Javascript and also have a small code editor for both the result and the description fields. If feasible, I am fine to write Javascript logic to calculate the max between the 7 results and display a different paragraph text for the max result ideally in the small description editor. Bult I would need to know how to access the 7 result variables in Javascript to use them. Thank you, Dan

How can I add a formula that relates to a date chosen with the Date Picker?

I would like to add a monetary value to a dat using an if/then statement that relates to a date chosen from the date picker. e.g.: If the date chosen = 01/01/2024 then $1,000

Inquiry about Conditional Logic for Ensuring Video Completion Before Proceeding

Dear Outgrow Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently utilizing Outgrow to create a survey that includes video content. I would like to ensure that respondents cannot proceed to the next question or section until they have fully watched the embedded video. Could you please let me know if your platform supports this type of conditional logic? Specifically, I am looking for a feature that prevents users from skipping the video and only allows them to move forward once the video has been completed. If such a feature exists, could you provide guidance on how to implement it within the survey? Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to your response.

Code calculator

When embedding a calculator into our blog, is the code entered once or will it need to be re-uploaded each time the calculator is used? Who has access to calculator changes?

How can i delete my account completely?

How can i delete my account completely?

Input Data

How can I input data into outgrow chatbot?