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personalisation of confirmation email

Dear all, Thanks a lot for a great tool. I know how to update the sender email for the confirmation email. However, is there a way to customize the sender mail, instead of having the email itself ? For example I'd like to use Creations3G <[email protected]>, but I just seem to be able to show [email protected] as sender name. Ca you help ? Thank you !

Opt in to call back for outcome CTA link

Hi, I have an outcome quiz that currently has the lead gen form shown with the results. I want to change this so that the lead gen form is displayed after the questions, but I want to get the leads submitted only when the user clicks the CTA button (redurecting to URL) What would be the best way of going about this?

Icons in mobile view

Hi, I have a question about the size of the icons in the mobile view. It is possible to edit the dimension ? Actually the icons are too big for mobile. I want to customize the size only for mobile view. Thank you

Excel file upload - cell content crashes

When I upload an Excel file to calculate formulas, cell content crashes. Even simple texts appear as #ERROR! and Excel formulas appear truncated and don't work. I am trying to rewrite the calculations using native formulas, but it is becoming ultra complex. I need support on how to ulopad Excel files without errors.

Does "No. of Content Pieces" mean per month ongoing

Or newly created each month if the plan has a limited number?

1) How can people who take the survey on the calculator share their results easily on social media? 2) How can people save their results and log in to see how they progress on a survey (e.g. period 1 vs. period 2)?This is a big deal


published calculator not visable when published

Why is my published calculator not visible when published

Calculator Size

How can reduce the overall size of the calculator. When it's placed in our site, it is quite large.

score at the end

Hi community, I wanted to know how to display the score at the end?

Is there a way just to have a lead generation form and embed in my web site?

Hi, I do not want a poll or anything, just a form for lead generation. Is that possible and can I embed it into my web site?