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development partners

Where can I find a list of developers that can help me create calculators in outgrow? Thanks Jude

Free membership- Outcome quiz

Hi! Wondering if the Outcome quiz is included in the free membership and if it is able to be embedded on a Wordpress website. Also, is it something where contact info entered can be tied to a newsletter subscriber list? Thanks

list the results in outcome

Hi Team, How can I list the results in the final outcome of my quiz? For each question I ask, I have 1 of 4 options to choose from. The participant can only choose one option (single select). Each option is mapped to a different outcome. I have allowed multiple outcomes. How can I show the participant which questions produced that particular outcome?

Can all answers person provides be emailed to me?

Can all answers a person provides on my survey be emailed to me?

Outgrow - Pardot Integration

Hello, I have set up the integration with Pardot and Outgrow. There is a field that is getting pushed to Pardot that is not in the Field Mappings. I dont know how to prevent it from happenings.

Chatbox settings

Is there a way to configure chatbot options in vertical alignment? i.e. like this Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Because right now these are with inline alignment.

Sweepstakes with form (custom questions) AND referral code sharing

I would like to run sweepstakes where participants will (1) fill out a form and (2) be provided a referral code so they can get extra points when other people they've referred also register to participate in the survey. Can your platform handle this?

Can i make a quiz or a calculator with over 100 questions ?


Calculator integration

Hi, I'm George Verba from Hungary, I would like to ask you a question. I want to make a calculator here, and the question is: Can I integrate the calculator into a wordpress? Thanks for your answare and best wishes VGY


I have 2 outcomes in my quiz. plan 1 has the media(video) on top when viewing from computer and the written results below. The second outcome has the video halfway down on the results page and the written results are pushed way over to the right. I would like the video on top of the outcome page? I also have a certain section in the results that have a highlighted white background. Nothing is highlighted...why is this occurring?