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Quiz outcome lead opt-in

I have an Outgrow quiz that is integrated with Mailchimp. During testing, the leads are receiving opt-in mails from Outgrow and they do not receive the email from Mailchimp unless they click the opt-in button form the Outgrow email.


Link in an email notification



Question to Result Transition

In my simple, one question calculator, how can I get rid of the "Scroll down for results" graphic? It's creating white space between the question and results that isn't necessary.


Calculator: two questions on the same screen?

In a calculator, is there a way to have two questions (with 2 answers that get calculated together) on the same screen?


how much is the program on a monthly basis

i dont see anything on the site. maybe i am not seeing it so your help would be appreciated


Input Fields with default values, which can still be changed, but not shown at first

Is it possible to create input fields with default values, which are not shown at first, but can be adapted by users, by clicking on a button, which will then show the input fields with the default values?


Custom Answer For Text Input Question Validation



Custom PDF Builder

how can the custom pdf builder results show up as an attachment in an email. I have checked off the add as saved results and it still does not show up.


Logic jump not working

I have a question where I ask the participants os the quiz is they want to participate on the user research. If yes, they continue for further questions and the lead form. If no, they'll jump to the defat outcome.


How to remove the scroll bar slider after embed on Webpage?

I want to remove the scroll bar slider after embed the code on my webpage. How to do it?