
Ask a Question

If than questions

Hi there, 1. I would like to create a quiz that respond to "if and". Which mean - if the user choose 1 the continue of the question will be A if the user choose 2 the question will be B. 2. Is there an option to add for a yes & no answers a text box (for - explain more for example?), Thanks, Tom

Input Fields with default values, which can still be changed, but not shown at first

Is it possible to create input fields with default values, which are not shown at first, but can be adapted by users, by clicking on a button, which will then show the input fields with the default values?

Triggered Pop Ups inside an email

Hi, how can I insert a link/button inside an email to launch in a pop-up? I tried to paste the code for a button/link inside Active Campaign but this does not work... Please let me know how I can achieve this, thanks! Javier

Email is not being sent on completion of calculator

Hi, i've set up the email body and run tests which seem to work fine. but now that i have activated the calulator to go live the emails are not sending. Can you help please?


Hi All, I am trying to integrate my quiz into my Webflow website. However, the Zapier is not working well. It connects to Outgrow but not to Webflow. Has anyone been able to connect Outgrow to Webflow? What was your experience? Thanks and have an excellent day.

Paid Search ROI Calculators

Do you have any prebuilt calculators for paid search ROI?

Realtime sync with Pardot

Hello, I would like to find out if the answers provided on the quiz can be automatically synced in real time with our CRM tool which is pardot?

Change call to action

I would like to change the name of the call to action button in the questionfields. Any ideas?

Distributing content

I'd like to make custom quizzes for websites and in return, they would give me mention or link to help promote my website. With the "Essentials" plan I can create unlimited. So, I could create and then help them embed, for example, on their WordPress website? I think you guys could make it more clear about the importance of where the content "lives" and why that even matters. If it is an embed, I don't have to link to that sub-domain you create for me, correct? I can also take out my branding so it's just a piece for their website? And the only "external link" is to your page from your logo?

Branching Questions (dependent questions)

Outgrow's front page indicates that you offer branching questions. However, I wasn't able to find that feature. I need to create an Outcomes quiz that asks a user a question (not graded) and depending on the response, the next question will vary. How is this done? I looked everywhere for instructions but couldn't find one. Outcomes Quiz --> Added a Single select question --> Looked for adding a branch question and failed.