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Embedded calculator not loading in chrome

Hi, One user has reported that the calculator will not load for them at all - they see the loading screen but that's it, no matter how long they wait. This is when using Google Chrome. They tried in Edge and the calculator then loaded like normal. I'm just wondering if there's any setting in Chrome which would prevent an Outgrow embed from loading? The user says they haven't ever altered their settings that they can remember so no idea what's causing it. Thanks

Embedding Video

Hello, I was wondering if it's possible to embed Vimeo videos on the results page of a quiz? Thank you so much!

Transfering Items from one Outgrow account to another.

When an item (quiz) is hosted on a specific outgrow account, if a new account is made are you able to export files and transfer to the new account?

Using pop-up trigger with React

Hi All, We need to add pop up triggers for various quizzes to a React app on behalf of our client. I have looked at the documentation but I couldn't find any information relating to the best way to implement with React. Are you be able to assist us with any advice on the best way to approach adding the triggers. Many thanks for your help Alphie


Your: results page has links for Calculators and Outcome Quizzes, but no links for the Graded quizzes or Polls... Where can I get those? To build a results page for Numerical Calculators - jump ahead to Result for Calculators Outcome Quiz - jump ahead to Outcomes for Quizzes Graded Quiz - jump ahead to Graded quizzes Polls - jump ahead to Polls

Vlookup equivalent

Hi there, I need to be able to use a vlookup equivalent in my imported excel table. I tried to import a formula that worked in excel but not in outgrow. What is the correct syntax in outgrow?

Quiz functionality

I'm wondering about the functionality of your quizzes and what all I can do with them. Here's what I'm looking to accomplish: Our company sells nutritional supplements, and I'm looking to create a simple survey that asks people about their health priorities, getting them to rate certain areas such as energy, hormones, and mood, on a scale of 1 to 10, in terms of how much support they want. I'm then going assign values to different products and bundles and want to match their inputs to these different products, offering them the best matches for their priorities. Is this too complex for your software, or is this something I can do with Outgrow?

IP For Webhook

Hi, We are attempting to set up a webservice to accept outgrow data. We would like to keep our server locked down, so we need to know what IP the http post will be coming from so that we can allow access through our firewall. Best, Dave

Basic authentication in webhook

Hello, I have got an issue in webhook authentication. I enabled basic authentication for my webhooks and filled in user and password. When I send the test payload from the webhook setup page the authorization header content is correct and everything works fine. When actual survey data is coming to the webhook though, the authorization header is not what I expect. When I decode the base64 value I get two strings made of hexadecimal digits that are unrelated to my credentials. Can you help? Thanks, Regards

Charts in PDFs

When I use the 'Save results as PDF' functionality, am I able to include the charts which are visible on the results page?