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Cookie policy

What is Outgrow's cookie policy and where can I find it on your website?


Can Outgrow able to integrate with resource, such as Microsoft team? or other customer build native mobile app?

answer at end after email request at end

You seem to be focused on real time answers. We want to have the email and identity question at the end of the questions, not the beginning, and, then send the results to that email address. How do we do that?

Domain name

Would your company be interested in purchasing the domain name: ? I currently own the domain and would be willing to sell it.

Logic jump based on score

Hi there, I'm trying to branch a quiz where every question adds 1 to the score. In the end, if score=5, I wanna show one extra question, then go to the Result Screen. If score<5, go straight to Result Screen. The Logic Jump conditions seem limited to "Questions", "UTM Parameters", and "User's stats". Is it possible to create a condition using a variable like {Score_absolute} ? I wish I could attach a screen shot here, it would be easier to visualize it with a flowchart... Thank you!

How to configure the size of the dropdown selection

Hello! :) How can I customize how many different options are displayed once the dropdown menu is opened? Currently only 3 options are displayed on the website and they are relatively small, which is not really user friendly. Is there any way to manually adjust the size? Kind regards, Nils

Recommendations (E-Commerce template)

Hi. I'm currently trying out the E-Commerce template, and am trying to understand product recommendations better. I had two questions: 1) Can you tell me how mapping products to responses works (with regards to the quiz logic, calculations, etc)? 2) How does one un-map a previously-mapped product to a response? Many thanks.

How to modify question text based on results

Based on the answer to my first question, I need to be able to modify the text of the following questions. In Q1 the user selects METRIC or IMPERIAL, this should then change Q2 if (METRIC) LENGTH (m) TEMPERATURE (°C) if(IMPERIAL) LENGTH (ft) TEMPERATURE (°F)

Can we add calender for Date of Birth field?

I have a form where I needed a DOB field and want something like calender to select it from.


I want to create a calculator using multiple choice questions. Not sure how to create a formula to take into account the choices in my 7 queistions.