Configuring Native Integration Between Outgrow & Qualtrics

Qualtrics is a single system of record for all experience data, managing customer, product, employee, and brand experiences on one platform. You can collect leads using Outgrow, and can push those leads to Qualtrics using our newly introduced native integration functionality.

Using this document, you can get a better understanding of how to configure the native integration between Outgrow & Qualtrics.

Here's what you will need to get started

To configure integration between Outgrow & Qualtrics, you will need access to:

A. An Outgrow account with an active subscription plan.
B. An active Qualtrics account.
C. A live Outgrow content piece.

How to configure the integration

To configure the integration between Outgrow and Qualtrics, here are the steps that you need to follow:

1. Log in to your Outgrow account and select the appropriate content piece.


2. Open the respective content in Build mode.


3. Click on the Configure tab, and then navigate to the Integrations sub-tab. Under Integration, go to Native Integrations and scroll down to Qualtrics integration.


4. Click on the configure icon for configuring native integration with Qualtrics.


5. Post clicking on the Configure Integration icon, an integration configuration window will open up. Click on Authenticate With Qualtrics.


6. Enter the Username and Password for your Qualtrics account, and click on Sign In.


7. Once your account is connected, choose whether you want to Proceed With Directories or you want to Proceed With Segments.


8. As we opted to proceed with Directories, now we are required to select a directory in which the leads will be added.


9. Map the required Outgrow fields with Qualtrics fields. Once the fields are mapped click on Test Connection.


10. You can choose to configure Double Opt-In functionality if required, else you can click on Finish to save the configuration, and set the integration as live.


11. Your Qualtrics integration is now active.


More Actions

Once the integration is configured and active, you can navigate to the Qualtrics block to see more actions that can be performed on Qualtrics integration after it has been set up:

A. Re-configure: In case your Qualtrics credentials have changed or you want to connect Outgrow with a different Qualtrics account, then you will have to Reconfigure your Qualtrics integration to continue getting Outgrow leads in your Qualtrics account.


B. View Mapping: If you need to go over which fields you have mapped to configure your Outgrow & Qualtrics integration, you can click on View Mapping. you can then toggle between tabs to view the mapping across all fields.


C. Task History: This contains the list of all the leads sent to Qualtrics. The leads which are in queue to be synced will have the status Waiting and those which have failed to sync due to some reason will be shown as Failed. If due to some error in connection your leads from a content piece have not been sent to Qualtrics then you can Sync the leads to your Qualtrics account after re-configuring. All the leads which were not sent to your account will be sent to Qualtrics when you sync. If for some reason, even after syncing you do not see your lead on your Qualtrics account then reconfigure once and then Sync.


D. Filter: In case you would like to set up a quick filter using First Name, Last Name, and Email Address, to see if the lead was sent to Qualtrics or not, you can use this feature.




1. For every Outgrow content piece you create, you will have to activate or deactivate the integration from the Configuration section in the builder, in order to start or stop sending leads collected in Outgrow to Qualtrics.

2. Email field is a required field and needs to be mapped in order for the integration to be configured.

In case you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at Questions@Outgrow.Co, and we will be happy to assist you further.