Using Variables in Outgrow - Best Marketing Platform
Outgrow is a tool that lets you create quizzes, surveys, polls, calculators, chatbots, and eCommerce quizzes. When you make these different types of content, you can use variables to personalize the content. Variables are placeholders that pull data from the lead form, URL parameters, or user responses.
There are different types of variables available in Outgrow that you can use to create personalized content. Here's a breakdown of the most commonly used variables:
{fullname}: This variable lets you add the user's full name in different parts of the content, such as question text, result text, and email notifications. It would be best to ensure that the full name is captured through the lead form, or else this variable will not work.
{email}: This variable lets you add the user's email address in different parts of the content, such as question text, result text, outcome text, and email notifications. It would be best to ensure that the email address is captured through the lead form, or else this variable will not work.
{location}: This variable lets you add the user's location in different parts of the content, such as question, result, outcome, and email notifications. It would be best to ensure that the location is captured through the lead form, or else this variable will not work.
{tel}: This variable lets you add the user's phone number in different parts of the content, such as question, result, outcome, and email notifications. It would be best to ensure that the phone number is captured through the lead form, or else this variable will not work.
{Q1}{Q2}{Q3}........{Qn}: , These variables let you add the answer for a particular question in different parts of the content, such as question text, result text, outcome text, and email notifications. Depending on the question whose answer you want to add, you will use the respective variable, such as for Q1 you will use {Q1}, whereas for Q2 you will use {Q2}.
{R1}: This variable lets you add the respective result in different parts of the content, such as question text, result text, outcome text, and email notifications. Depending on the result you want to add, you will use the respective variable, such as for Result 1, you will use {R1}, whereas for Result 2, you will use {R2}.
{RH1}{RH2}.........{RHn}: These variables let you add the heading of the respective result in email notifications that are sent to the user or internal team members. Depending on the result for which you want to add the heading, you will use the respective variable, such as for Result 1, you will use {RH1}, whereas for Result 2, you will use {RH2}.
{RS1}{RS2}.........{RSn}: These variables let you add the result text of the respective result in email notifications that are sent to the user or internal team members. Depending on the result for which you want to add the result text, you will use the respective variable, such as for Result 1, you will use {RS1}, whereas for Result 2, you will use {RS2}.
{utm_source}: This variable is used when you want to specify the name of the website from where the user came to the Outgrow content in different parts of the content, such as question text, result text, outcome text, and email notifications. Before using this variable, you need to ensure that the UTM Source is being parsed to Outgrow through the URL.
{utm_medium}: This variable is used when you want to specify the type of link that was used by the user when they came to the Outgrow content in different parts of the content such as question text, result text, outcome text, and email notifications. Before using this variable, you need to ensure that the UTM Medium is being parsed to Outgrow through the URL.
{utm_campaign}: This variable is used when you want to display the name of the campaign from where the user came to access the Outgrow content in different parts of the content, such as question text, result text, outcome text, and email notifications. Before using this variable, you need to ensure that the UTM Campaign is being parsed to Outgrow through the URL.
{utm_term}: This variable is used when you want to display the search keyword that the user used while looking for the respective Outgrow content in different parts of the content, such as question text, result text, outcome text, and email notifications. Before using this variable, you need to ensure that the UTM Term is being parsed to Outgrow through the URL.
{utm_content}: This variable is used when you want to specify the specific option clicked by the user that brought the user to Outgrow in different parts of the content, such as question text, result text, outcome text, and email notifications. Before using this variable, you need to ensure that the UTM Content is being parsed to Outgrow through the URL.
In summary, variables are essential for creating personalized content in Outgrow. Using variables, you can make your content more engaging and relevant to the user.
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns, and we will be happy to assist you further.
Updated 10 months ago