Excel in Formula Builder | Outgrow
How to upload your excel and use it in the formula builder
When you are building a calculator and you have already done calculations in Excel, you can either translate this Excel formula onto our platform directly in the formula builder as seen here or simply upload an ExcelExcel and follow the steps mentioned below:
Use Excel-based Table
Once you are in the formula builder, you need to click on Use Excel Based Table to upload your Excel. Click on Upload Excel to find your excel in the formula builder.

After you have uploaded the Excel, you need to map your Excel question cells with the question numbers of the calculator you are creating.
For example, here, cell B2 is for question number 1, so you need to insert =Q_1 in the cell. Repeat this for all the questions used in the final result formula.
Any cell that needs to reference a question should be of the format =Q_1 for question 1, and any cell that references a cell (for fixed values) can just be =A1+B1.
Map the Result
After you have mapped all the questions in Excel, you need to finally map the cell number for the result in the space provided at the top. In this case, cell B4 is used to calculate Result 1.
Once you are done mapping all the required cells with the questions and results of the quiz, click on the apply Excel formula on the bottom right and exit. You must repeat this for all the other results separately if you have multiple results to display.
Using if_else in the excel
You can use if else conditions similar to the one you use directly in the Excel format of IF(condition, true, false). In the example below, we have used the condition that if B3 is greater than B2, then Q1*10 else Q1.
To use this condition in Excel, you insert in the cell: IF(B3>B2,Q_1*10,Q_1)
Whereas to use the same condition directly in the formula builder where B2 and B3 represent questions 2 and 3 respectively, you write: Q3>Q2?Q1*10:Q1
Nested IF:
If you have multiple IF-ELSE conditions, you can use the following format -
IF(condition,true,(IF(condition,true,IF(condition,true,false))))For example, If question 1 is equal to 0, then it should be 1 else if question 1 is greater than equal to 2, then Q1*10 else 1.
For inserting nested IF conditions in the builder directly, you can refer more details on this link.
If you still have questions, feel free to use our chat widget on the bottom right to get in touch with our Excel and maths experts :)
Updated 8 months ago