Mobyt SMS And Outgrow Integration using Zapier
Learn how to integrate your Outgrow Interactive Content with Mobyt SMS.
For Zapier and Mobyt SMS users, who haven't signed up for Outgrow, you can sign up here and follow the instructions below. If you have any questions, please reach out to us via chat on the bottom right of the page.
Here's what you'll need to get started if you choose zapier:
- an Outgrow account
- a Mobyt SMS account
- a Zapier account
- Getting your accounts ready
- Connecting your accounts
Getting your accounts ready
To connect your Outgrow account to Mobyt SMS, you will need an active Outgrow account and a live content piece. For help getting started with Outgrow, click here.
Connecting your accounts
1. Navigate to the Zapier page where you can set up the Zap between Intercom and Outgrow and click on Connect Outgrow + Mobyt SMS button.
2. On the configuration page select the trigger that will be activated when a new lead is submitted in Outgrow.
3. In the next step, you need to connect your Outgrow account with Zapier. In case you have an existing Outgrow account connected with Zapier, you can choose that account, else you can add a new account.
4. To connect a new Outgrow account, you will need to plug in the API key for your account. You'll find the key under the API Key Heading in the Settings section of your Outgrow account.

5. Choose the calculator/quiz/poll/graded quiz that you wish to use from the drop-down.

6. Fetch sample leads from Outgrow to test whether or not the connection is successful.
7. In the next step choose the action that needs to be performed when a new lead is sent to Mobyt SMS.
8. To get started with Mobyt SMS on Zapier, first, you will need to click to connect your Mobyt SMS account to use with your Zap.
9. You will be asked for login details in this step.
10. If the details entered are correct, a connection will be established.
11. Click Continue
Now, test the Zap to make sure it works. Once you’re satisfied with the results, new entries from your selected Outgrow content piece will automatically get added in Mobyt SMS.
Note: If you ever want to change this Outgrow and Mobyt SMS integration, go to your Zapier dashboard and tweak anything you like.
Updated 9 months ago