Embed FAQs | Outgrow
1. Will the variables be passed to the quiz URL even when the quiz is embedded?
Yes, they will be passed.
2. Our in-page embed code is not working. Kindly suggest.
In order to resolve this issue, please disable any plugin affecting the code or use Custom Embed which is a JS free embed code.
3. I have embedded my quiz on my website but it is not capturing the utm sources. Could you please check this?
For embeds, one needs to manually edit the URL part of the embed code. In order to resolve this issue, you need to add the UTM parameters to your embed code (right after the data URL) and Outgrow will be then able to capture the sources once the changes are made and published.
4. I have used exit intent embed type but it is not working for mobiles. Can you please check?
Exit Intent embed does not work for mobiles as it is based on cursor movement. Hence, it will work only for desktops.
Updated 11 months ago