Send messages to leads collected by Outgrow using Twilio
Learn how to integrate your Outgrow account with Twilio using our native integration.
If you want to send messages to your leads generated through your Outgrow content using Twilio, you can use our native integration.
Setup related requirements
Here's what you'll need to get started if you want to set up an integration between Outgrow & Twilio:
A. An Outgrow account.
B. A Twilio account.
Getting the required information from Twilio
1. Login to your Twilio account using your Twilio login credentials.

2. Once you log into your Twilio account click on the Settings, and then navigate to the General section to access your AccountSID & Auth Token.

Steps involved while setting up Integration
To connect your Outgrow account with your Twilio account, you will need an active Outgrow account with a live content piece. Here are the steps that you need to follow:
1. Login to your Outgrow dashboard and open the respective Outgrow content piece in builder mode.

2. Once you have set up the questions and answers in your content piece, navigate to the Integrations section present under the Configure tab and click on Configure for configuring your Twilio integration.

3. In the next step specify the Account Name that you want to use for your integration. Along, with this, you need to add your AccountSID and Auth Token. Click on Authenticate With Twilio once you have added the required details.
4. In the next step, you can choose between Proceeding With Phone Number or Proceeding With Segment. In this case, we will proceed with the phone number.

5. In the next step specify the number that you want to use to send a message to the leads. NOTE - This number needs to be added in your Twilio account to be visible here in the dropdown.

6. In the next step, you can specify the text that you want to use in the message.

7. In the last step, you can choose if you want to include a CTA button in the message or remove Outgrow branding. Click on Finish post making the choice.

8. Once the integration will be set up you will see a green tick icon next to Twilio integration.

In case you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us at [email protected], and we will be happy to assist you further.
Updated 10 months ago