Add new Outgrow Leads to Marketo
Learn how to integrate your Outgrow calculator or quiz with Marketo using our Zapier integration.
If you want to update or add contact info of your Outgrow calculator/quiz leads to your Marketo account, you can use Zapier.
Here's what you'll need to get started:
- Getting your accounts ready
- Connecting your accounts
Getting your accounts ready
To connect your Outgrow account to Marketo, you will need an active Outgrow account, and a live calculator or quiz. For help getting started with Outgrow, click here. For more information on how to get started with Marketo on Zapier, you can start here.
Connecting your accounts
Click here to add new Outgrow leads to Marketo.
1. Choose your Outgrow account from the list of accounts, or connect a new account.
2. To connect a new Outgrow account you will need to plug-in API key for your account. You'll find the key under the API Key Heading in the Settings section of your Outgrow account.

3. Choose the calculator/quiz that you wish to use.

4. Choose your Marketo account from the list of accounts, or connect a new account.
5. When you start creating a Marketo Zap, you will be prompted to connect a New Account

6. Click on the button and a pop-up will appear. Enter the required user details as outlined on the screen

7. Once you've entered the correct Log In details, the pop-up will disappear. Your Marketo account is now added to your Zapier account and is ready for selection:

5. In the Marketo Email field, select the corresponding Outgrow calculator/quiz field from the drop-down menu. Similarly, map other fields from Marketo to corresponding fields from Outgrow calculator or quiz.

6. Click on Continue.
Now, test the Zap to make sure it works. Once you’re satisfied with the results, new entries from your selected Outgrow calculator or quiz will automatically create corresponding Marketo lead.
Note: If you ever want to change this Outgrow and Marketo integration, just go to your Zapier dashboard and tweak anything you'd like.
Updated 9 months ago