Tracking Conversions through Outgrow Content using Facebook Pixel

This section outlines the steps you need to follow to start tracking events and the behavior of users on your Outgrow content using Facebook Pixel. Here are the prerequisites that you need to have in order to get started:

A. An active Facebook Ads Manager account.
B. A live Outgrow content piece.

How to Track Conversions with Facebook Pixel on Your Outgrow Content?

1. To start the setup process, log in to your Facebook Ads Manager. Go to the "Events Manager" section. Now select your Facebook Pixel and copy your Pixel ID.

Facebook Pixel

2. In your Outgrow content, navigate to Configure and then to General & SEO Settings. Paste your Pixel ID into the Facebook Pixel Tracking ID field.

Facebook Pixel Tracking ID

3. To track custom events, you need to make sure that Customize FB Pixel Events is toggled on.

Customize FB Pixel Events

4. Set up tracking for desired events (Welcome Page, Questions, Results Page, etc.). Assign standard Facebook events (e.g., ViewContent, Lead), and use clear Tags and Values to categorize your events.

Set up tracking


Important Note

For example, if someone has viewed the results page, the Facebook event that will fire is ViewContent. If someone submits the lead form, the Facebook event that will fire is Lead. You can choose any Facebook event that you want.

To clearly separate the events according to experiences, it’s helpful to give all events in a particular experience a unique tag. It’s also good to assign different values to each event inside an experience since this helps you to segment your events even further.

5. Once your Outgrow content is live, you now need to go to Facebook Ads Manager, and create a campaign using your Outgrow content's URL. Customize columns to display relevant metrics (e.g., Leads, Content Views). NOTE: Columns can be customized in the Customize Columns sections under Ad Group.

Customize Columns sections

6. Once the popup comes up, go to Conversions > Standard Events from the left panel and select the appropriate events as per the events configured in Outgrow. Click on Apply to save the changes.

Standard Events

7. Now, in the Ad Group section, you’ll be able to see the metrics for configured events. NOTE: For example, in the screenshot below you can see the columns for Leads and Content Views.

 Ad Group section


Important Note

A. For Facebook Pixel, Category and Action fields are required and label and Value fields are optional. Value takes whole numbers only and all other fields are text. One example Category: Guides; Action: Download-SEO, Event label: SEO Guide, Value: 15. Make sure to use consistent names for categories, actions, and labels.

B. For Facebook Pixel related Events Tracking to effectively work, you need to make sure that you use .US link and not .Co link. Facebook Pixel Tracking via Outgrow will not work on .Co links.

Create a custom conversion for your calculator or quiz

You can use custom conversions to filter events using parameter rules or URL rules, which helps you understand website visitor actions in more detail.

 Create a custom conversion

To use Custom Conversions to filter events, here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Go to Meta Events Manager and click Custom conversions in the top-left menu. Click Create custom conversion.
  2. Enter a name for your custom conversion. You can opt to add a description as well.
  3. Select your data source, and select your conversion event.
  4. If you select All URL traffic or a custom event, you'll see the option to Choose a standard event for optimisation. We recommend that you keep the category we chose for you. If you want to choose a different category, select the one that best describes the conversion event that you're optimising. Learn more about standard event categories in our best practices.
  5. Set up a rule using a URL or event parameters. You can select parameters that you currently send with the event that you selected. If you don't see the parameter that you want to choose, update your pixel or Conversions API setup to send the parameter with your event.



Parameters follow the or condition. For example, if you create a custom conversion using a purchase event and type in Product A, Product B and Product C in the content_id parameter value, the custom conversion measures when someone purchases product A, B or C.

  1. Click + if you'd like to add more rules.



Rules follow the and condition. For example, if you create three separate rules for content_id equals A, content_id equals B and content_id equals C, the custom conversion measures when all three events occur.

  1. Click to tick the box next to Enter a conversion value, then enter your value. Only use this field if the events in your custom conversion don't already have a conversion value. Use whole numbers and don't include any additional characters. Now click Create to the save the Custom Conversion event.



The maximum number of custom conversions per ad account or business portfolio is 100, but you can delete ones that you don't want and create new ones.

Checking if Pixels are firing or not

Once you have configured Facebook Pixel, you can keep a track of whether the respective Pixel is firing or not. You can navigate to Events Manager in your Facebook Ad Account, and click on the Overview tab here. You will be able to see more details about the different Pixels configured here in this section.

Pixels are firing



Use the "Diagnostics" or "Troubleshooting" tools in the Events Manager to identify and resolve any Pixel issues.

Segmenting Audience using Custom Facebook Pixel on the basis of option selected in a Question

To create an Audience based on the answer received for a specific question, you need to first ensure that the event type is set up as Track Custom. In the Tag field, you need to add the variable for {QX}, where X will be the question number for the question depending on whose value the pixel will be fired. Once the user will choose the appropriate value for the respective question, direct Custom Events will be fired automatically.

Firing a Custom Even based on an Outcome

In case you would like to fire a custom pixel based on an Outcome, you need to choose Result Page View or CTA as the Event Type, and then in the Event Value field specify { OutcomeX}, where X is the outcome number. You can go ahead and segment the pixel at your end accordingly.



{R1} works in VALUE field but when you want to display the text, it should be in the TAG Value field and not in the VALUE field, just like the above example.

Important thing to keep in mind related to event appearance under Events Tab

If your events do not appear in the Test events tab within one minute, try the following steps to start seeing events:

1. Pixel troubleshooting.

2. Disable any ad blockers you are using.

3. Refresh your website and try interacting with it again.

4. App troubleshooting.

5. Force quit your app on your phone, then restart it.

6. Make sure that you're logged in to the Facebook app on your phone.

Configuring Meta Conversions API to be used in Outgrow

The Conversions API is designed to create a connection between your marketing data (such as website events, app events, business messaging events and offline conversions) from an your server, website platform, mobile app, or CRM to Meta systems that optimize ad targeting, decrease cost per result and measure outcomes. Rather than maintaining separate connection points for each data source, you are able to leverage the Conversions API to send multiple event types at the same time and simplify your technology stack.

This documentation guides integrating your Outgrow events to the Conversions API. The process of setting up a Conversions API integration requires you to have access to:

A. Facebook Pixel ID

B. Business Manager: You also need a Business Manager to use the API. Business Manager helps advertisers integrate Facebook marketing efforts across their business and with external partners.

C. Access Token: To use the Conversions API, you need an access token. There are two ways of getting your access token:

  1. Using Events Manager (Recommended): Choose the Facebook Pixel you want to implement. Select the Settings tab. Find the Conversions API section and click on the Generate access token link under Set up manually, and follow the instructions pop-up. NOTE: The Generate access token link is only visible to users with developer privileges for the business. The link is hidden from other users.



Once you have your token, click on the Manage Integrations button in the Overview tab in Events Manager. In the pop-up screen, click the Manage button next to Conversions API. This will automatically create a Conversions API app and Conversions API system user for you. There is no need to go through App Review or request any permissions.

  1. If you already have your own app and your own system user, you can generate your token inside Business Manager. To do that Go to your Business' Settings, and assign a Pixel to your system user (you also have an option to create a new system user at this stage). Select the assigned system user and click Generate Token.

To send new events, make a POST request to this API's /events edge from this path:{API_VERSION}/{PIXEL_ID}/events?access_token={TOKEN}. When you post to this edge, Facebook creates new server events.

After you send your events, confirm that Facebook has received them in Events Manager using the following steps:

A. On the Data Sources page, click on the Pixel corresponding to the PIXEL_ID in your POST request.

B. Navigate Events Manager. Then, click Overview. You see the number of raw, matched and attributed events we received. Under Connection Method, you see the channel in which that event was sent.

C. You can click on each event to get more specific information.

D. After you start sending events, you should be able to verify them within 20 minutes. Now you can start sending events from Outgrow.

You can verify that your server events are received correctly by Facebook by using the Test Events feature in Events Manager. To find the tool, go to Events Manager > Data Sources > Your Pixel > Test Events.

Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] in case you have any questions or concerns. We will be happy to assist you further.