Introduction to Graded Quiz

In Outgrow you can now set up assessment style quizzes. These are known as Graded Quizzes, and in this document, you can learn more about how to set it up.

Question Types supported in a Graded Quiz

You can choose between Single Select & Multiple Select questions.

A. Multi-Select Questions: Multi-Select questions in Graded quiz should be used for questions which have more than one correct answer. Such questions require users to choose one or more options out of several given options. For each correct option selected the score is automatically assigned. For example, if there are 4 options in total and 3 are correct then 0.33 score will be assigned to each correct option. In order to add a multiple choice question, select question type Multi-Select. Lay out the options for the users to chose from. Define which option(s) are correct.

B. Single select: A single select type of question will have only one correct answer of all the defined options. The score assigned to a correct option will be 1 in this case unlike the multi-select type of question.


Note: You can reorder or delete any question as per your requirements.

Showing feedback to the users

You can choose whether you want to reveal the answer once user has responded for each question on Graded quiz. To enable this you can toggle on the Feedback option. You can specify what message needs to be shown when someone selects a correct or incorrect response.


Note: In case you want to show the feedback as a pop up you can enable the Show As A Popup option.


Setting up a Countdown Timer & Revealing Results

In case you want the user to choose a response within a finite time, you can enable the Add Countdown Timer option under the Settings section on the questions page. You can specify the time in seconds, in which if the user does not choose an option, the question will be skipped.


As this is a Graded Quiz, in case you want to show whether or not a user has selected a correct or incorrect answer, you can enable the Reveal Results option.

Randomize Questions in the quiz

You also have the option to ensure that every time users go through a quiz, they should see the questions in the quiz in a different sequence. This can be done using the Question Randomization feature. The Randomization feature can be enabled from the Display Settings tab.



Important Note

You can not use Logic Jump and Randomization feature in the same content piece, as it will break the jump setup.

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