Jump from Results Page to Custom HTML page using Logic Jump feature

How to use Logic Jump to create intelligent jumps within your Outgrow content piece

Say you want to create a calculator where a user has to answer 3 questions related to their favorite athletes. The questions are related to selecting a percentage of liking of a particular athlete, and if the value of the 3 questions exceeds or is less then 100%, then the user is asked to reselect the values in the 3 questions.

You can achieve this with Logic Jump quite easily.

How to achieve this in Outgrow?

1. Set up the questions as per your requirements. In this case, we will be creating below-mentioned 3 questions:

A. What is the percentage of your friends whose favorite athlete is Lebron James?
B. What is the percentage of your friends whose favorite athlete is Michael Jordan?
C. What is the percentage of your friends whose favorite athlete is Kobe Bryant?


2. Navigate to the results page, and set up the formula. In our case we will set up the formula as (((Q1+Q2+Q3)==100)?1:0). This means that if Q1, Q2, Q3 are added and their result is equal to 100 then the condition is true, else the condition is false.


3. Once the formula and the result page information is set up, click on Add button and add a Custom HTML page.


4. You can modify the look and feel of the Custom HTML page as per your requirements. In this case, we will mention the text that NOTE: Sum of Q1, Q2, and Q3 cannot be more then 100.

5. Now navigate to Q3 and click on Add Logic Jump to set up the jump.


6. In this case how the jump will work is that if the value of R2 is 0, ie; false, then the user will be sent to the Custom HTML page where the customized text will show up. In case the score based on the options selected by the user is equal to 100, then the value of R2 will be 1. In this case, the user will see the result page.

If you still have any questions, feel free to use our chat tool on the bottom right or reach out to us at Questions@Outgrow.Co and our team can help you with a quick solution :)